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Simpatias e banhos para diversos fins

Sep 14, 2020 |
Encontre simpatias e banhos para os mais diversos fins ... Read more

Telefones de empresas e instituições do Brasil

Sep 14, 2020 |
Números de telefones e sac 0800 de empresas e instituições ... Read more

Four Bros Lighting

Jun 26, 2020 |
Launched as a vision of 4 brothers in 1996, internet-based has seen astounding growth, quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the lighting industry with a satisfied customer ... Read more

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Humans have five principal senses of perception. These comprise touch, hear, taste, smell and sight. Senses have been perceived with the aid of sensory organs and sensory system associated with each sense. That is, people hear through the ears, appreciate tactile sensation with the help of skin, smell through nose, see through eyes and taste with the tongue. Taste and smell are known as the chemical senses. Humans can differentiate between hundreds of smells and different types of tastes. Touch is a somatic sensation where the pressure variations are detected by the skin. Other senses include equilibrioception, nociception, thermoception and proprioception.